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The collection of photographic negatives is now in Cooperstown! Here is the link:


Now, back to my narrative--


In 2000 I fulfilled the fantasy of most serious baseball fans by traveling to all thirty major league baseball parks.



I took two cameras, a 35mm film SLR and a Hasselblad X-pan, which produced panoramic images on a 35 mm format but by extending the negative eighty percent to achieve a panoramic view.

These are the images I created, full-frame without cropping. Some will note that the dates of a number of stadiums include September dates. I had to return to return to rephotograph some which were compromised by a batch of bad film. So it goes.

All the images that appear here are available for purchase as signed fine art prints.

I am seriously considering another trip in 2020 to capture the many new stadiums which have been built since I took this trip.However the issue of financing is yet to be resolved.

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